elementary school
sessions are curated to any grade level and are designed within a comprehensive curriculum to be facilitated alone, as part of a larger series, or in tandem with parent/guardian and faculty/staff events
middle school
tailored sessions for 6th-8th graders are designed within a comprehensive curriculum to be facilitated alone, as part of a larger series, alongside customized sessions, or in tandem with parent/guardian and faculty/staff events
high school
sessions at the 9th-12th grade levels are designed within a comprehensive curriculum to be facilitated alone, as part of a larger series, alongside customized sessions, or in tandem with parent/guardian and faculty/staff events
senior seminars are 4-6 session long programs designed to address topics directly related to entering independent, young adulthood
events designed for parents/guardians to support and promote their role as their children’s primary and indispensable source for sexuality education; events are offered independent of or in direct reflection of the classroom sexuality education curriculum
advisement to renew, refresh, and examine best practices of existing in-house sexuality education curriculum
response advisement of emergent issues to support classrooms, faculty/staff, families, and school community
working with parents/guardians and families on a private basis
events designed for faculty and staff to support and promote the understanding of best sexuality education practices in school; events are offered independent of or in direct reflection of the classroom sexuality education curriculum
sexuality salons
private events scheduled outside of school designed as small group salons for adults, parents and/or families, to facilitate discussions and enable best practices for improving and maintaining sexuality wellness
events designed and scheduled by request
customized sessionS
sessions designed by request to address the emerging needs, issues, and growth of a specific classroom, student body, family, peer group, team, or community