what people are saying

  • “The primary reward [of comprehensive sexual education] was student advancement in knowledge about puberty and changing bodies that normalized the physical and emotional developments of the tween years…also addressed were vital issues of safety about consent and personal boundaries, which must be circled back to often. The topics provided our family with prompts for open conversations. I hope other students and families get the opportunity to participate in such a valuable experience.”

    ~ Jamie F., teacher and 6th grade parent

  • “Julie and Ali facilitated a group of our 4th graders and also a 1st/2nd grade split. The sessions were invaluable for my kiddos and family.”

    ~ Margo S., 1st, 4th, 6th grade parent

  • “The major finding of the research is that comprehensive sex education scaffolded across grades, embedded in supportive school environments and across subject areas, can imporve sexual, social and emotional health, as well as accademic outcomes for young people.”

    ~ Eva S.Goldfarb Ph.D as heard on: Lee Gaines, Elizabeth Miller, NPR: The case for starting sex ed in kindergarten (hula hoops recommended), September 12, 2022

  • “Parents and schools are not substitutes for one another, nor are their roles interchangeable; rather they are partners in sexuality education, with complementary but unique rolls.”

    ~ Deborah M. Roffman, The Thinking Parent’s Guide to Talking Sense About Sex

  • As the father of three kids (one daughter and two sons), I wanted guidance on how to prepare my children for discussions around sexuality, puberty, consent, and so much more. Ali and Julie did an amazing job empowering my children with the knowledge and language they need to understand and communicate about these daunting subjects. With my daughter entering 6th grade, I feel more confident in her ability to navigate the hallways with a sense of confidence…I will be enrolling all three in follow-up courses as they mature into more complex subjects.

    ~ Clayton S., 1st, 4th, 6th grade parent

  • “Providing youth with honest, age appropriate sexual health education is a key part in helping them take personal responsibility for their health and well-being.”

    -Advocates for Youth

  • “Ali is a skilled sex educator - she navigates the complexities and intersectionality of sexual health, identity, and relationships with confidence, candid insights, humor, and affirmation. Under her competent facilitation, youth and adults alike feel seen, validated, and comfortable to ask their most curious or awkward questions. Ali has a rare gift of making any conversation about sex and relationships both fun and informative; I would trust her to lead even the most tricky of conversations with any child in my life!”

    -Lindsey M., School Administrator